The kakoune prompt (triggered with :) by default does not support the modal editing keybindings for normal buffers. It has some annoying properties that it closes the prompt when pressing esc, ctrl-n & ctrl-p are not working.

Some useful things to remember is that you can define your own key maps for prompt mode only:

map -docstring "next" global prompt "<c-n>" "<tab>"
map -docstring "prev" global prompt "<c-p>" "<s-tab>"
map -docstring "select" global prompt "<c-y>" "<ret>"

# prevent closing prompt with backspace
map -docstring "select" global prompt "<backspace>" "hd"

There are also some default key mappings in place for the prompt:

  • <c-r>. paste the current selection in the prompt
  • <c-r>" paste the current yank register in the prompt